Wellnow White.svg

How Upfront used personalized messaging to increase return patient volume

WellNow was looking for a partner to help drive innovation and revenue opportunities at its system of walk-in urgent care clinics. The healthcare enterprise engaged Upfront to leverage its advanced personalization engine to conduct digital outreach and navigate patients to care.

Partner since



Chicago, IL



Patient base


Upfront Solutions

Retain, Attract

The Challenge

Maintaining patient retention

Urgent care centers provide patients with quick and convenient access to care. As one of the fastest-growing urgent care providers with more than 180 locations in six states, WellNow benefited from high patient satisfaction rates but was in need of new strategies to drive patient retention and return visits to maintain the system’s cost-effectiveness. The enterprise connected with Upfront to motivate and navigate patients to return for follow-up care, building on its promise of offering exceptional, affordable healthcare in a caring atmosphere.

The Solution

Condition-specific messaging

Upfront leveraged its sophisticated enterprise platform to help WellNow deploy condition-specific messaging and encourage appropriate return visits for necessary care. Patients received post-visit, follow-up SMS text messages tailored specifically to the condition for which the patient was seen. In addition, Upfront implemented a brief patient survey that included questions about symptoms related to their diagnosis and included automated scheduling prompts if their responses indicated a need for follow-up care. This approach was then tested against generic follow-up messaging to measure and compare the personalized outreach program's results.

The Results

6x more revenue using Upfront’s personalized approach

Over the duration of the project, WellNow and Upfront identified, engaged, and activated patients who required follow-up care within 30 days of their primary visit across 20 diagnostic codes. By using condition-specific messaging to boost return volume, Upfront enabled WellNow to deliver greater quality care, retain its patient base, and generate an estimated $1.4 million in annual revenue — building patient loyalty in the process. Today, the urgent care company is experiencing impressive growth, celebrating its latest acquisition and expanding condition-specific messaging to navigate more patients to appropriate care.

By the numbers

Revenue generated by condition-specific messaging vs. generic follow-up
Conversion rate within 30 days among patients eligible for return visits
of return visits were completed by unique patients
conditions targeted for follow up care needs

No challenge is too
impossible to overcome

Upfront fuels transformative work. If your healthcare enterprise is struggling to build patient loyalty and move patients to care, get in touch. Share your challenges and we’ll work together to find an innovative solution.