Press Release – Upfront Included in WIC: Positions of Influence Benchmark Report

Upfront Included in Women Influence Chicago: Positions of Influence Benchmark Report    


Chicago, IL Chicago-based Upfront, the market leader in content personalization and automated care navigation, was recently included in the Women Influence Chicago: Positions of Influence benchmark report.

Even though many companies strive for gender parity and have put programs in place to improve this initiative, gender gaps still exist. To help identify those gaps, this benchmark report focused on the number of women in leadership roles at 300 Chicago technology companies. The disappointing results of this report show that of the 300 Chicago technology companies included, less than 6% have gender parity in their leadership team. This should be concerning for all businesses given that research proves that with women in leadership roles, companies are more likely to experience above-average profitability.

Fortunately, Upfront was one of the proud 6% and is steadfast in building a diverse team that will create innovative and valuable solutions to improve healthcare. Upfront’s Co-founder and COO, Carrie Kozlowski, shared her personal experiences and strategies for growing the number of women in leadership at the Women Influence Chicago reception last week.

Upfront is currently looking to expand our team. If you are interested in being part of our diverse, curious, and fun team doing purpose-driven work, reach out to [email protected]. We are looking for integration specialists, product managers and developers with experience in insights and analytics as well as consumer engagement and conversion.

Upfront makes everyone feel like the only one. Through personalized, digital experiences, Upfront guides patients to their best next action within the providers network. This personalized patient guidance eliminates the costly, labor-intensive, and un-scalable processes to manually educate and navigate patients that plague health systems. The Upfront platform makes patients happier, streamlines access, and cuts administrative overhead in half.

To learn more about this exciting company, please contact:

Kylie Barrie
Upfront Healthcare Services
[email protected]

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every step of the way.

We’re a healthcare company leveraging technology, not the other way around. Upfront leans on its deep healthcare expertise and client relationships to maximize the impact of our technology, delivering a next-generation patient experience.