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4 Benefits of Proactive Communication that Builds Trust and Books Visits

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The times, they are a-changin. 

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to unfold, health systems are facing major challenges engaging patients while struggling to recoup lost revenue.

On the flipside, patients who have been delaying acute care needs and preventive visits, continue to wonder if it’s safe to receive in-person care or if virtual visits are a suitable alternative.

Neither health systems nor patients can continue to delay care. Now that we have standardized safety guidelines in place, as well as proven success with virtual care, health systems are better equipped to engage their patients and book necessary care.

Getting back to business as usual will be challenging, but one of the most important things health systems can do right now is encourage patients to access care again. By educating patients on safety measures in place and their options for care, health systems can start building patient trust and booking visits to recoup lost revenue.

Upfront and Zipnosis have joined forces to deliver proactive and trustworthy digital communication while guiding patients to the best mode of care for their needs and comfort level – whether that is in-person or virtual care.

“Upfront and Zipnosis have created a safe, clear, and convenient way for patients to book their previously planned or current healthcare needs. Consumers are anxious about how and when they will come back into the healthcare system. They want to know how they can get safe and high-quality care,” said Catherine Murphy, Zipnosis COO. “Together, Upfront and Zipnosis provide a complete solution that engages, educates, and provides a simple pathway to book appointments in person or virtually.”

Below are the key benefits of the combined solution:

Recoup revenue

    • As the backlog for care continues to increase, we’re here to help health systems retain patients. Through personalized communications, we provide patients options for receiving care even in the midst of COVID-19. We quickly move them to action to either access on-demand virtual care or book a virtual or in-person appointment.

Improve patient outcomes

    • Health systems cannot improve their patient’s health and wellbeing, if they’re not engaged. Clients using our solution have seen a 60 percent patient activation rate and a 45 percent increase in necessary visit completion.

Eliminate inefficient processes

    • Calling and sending letters to patients for visit recall is not only inefficient, it’s expensive. Break the status quo by activating all patients with relevant communications and strategic call-to-actions in the palm of their hands.

Strengthen brand recognition

    • Help patients get to know your health system through consistent, automated communications personalized to your patients. Be a lifelong partner, not just an annual check off the list.

Learn more about our exciting partnership here!





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